N. Marshall Gibbs
Welcome To My Website.

There will be free eStories and eBooks here as time and schedule permit.

These are original works done by me, and I am making them available to you under the provisions of the following license:

Creative Commons License
These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.

Please feel free to download and read them at your leisure.

Personally, I like to read eStories/Books via a handheld computer using iSilo but that's just me.

Any questions, comments, and/or suggestions should go to: nmarshallgibbs at yahoo dot com



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Links of Note:


AddMe - Search Engine Optimization

AddThis Social Bookmark Button

iSilo - PDA Reader Software

LuLu.com - Free Online Publishing Service

Morris Forms Corporation - Purveyors of Fine Forms

Nature's Thyme, LLC - Nutraceuticals Galore